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Criteria for SPS corals, passing the entire volume of the aquarium water through the skimmer approximately 3 times per hour and with a 3 to 1 water to air ratio The NANO skimmer is not affected by the regular fluctuation in the water level of theNANO includes an Automatic TopOff unit with a 15 litre/ 4 gal freshwater reservoir that is hidden behind the screen above the sump Red sea reefer nano vs red sea max nano

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Two Linear Equations In The Same Two Variables Are Called Linear Equation In Two Variables The Most General Form Of A Pair Of Linear Equations Is A Ppt Download Tion/elimination Solving systems of equations with 3 variables is very similar to how we solve sys 2x =4 Solve, divideby2 2 2 x =2 Wenowhavex!For solving pair of equation, in this exercise use the method of elimination by equating coefficients 3 (x 5) = y 2 2 (x y) = 4 3y X y=4 2x-y=2 elimination method

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